Benni: Never let anyone say that you can't do it

Thursday 23 May 2024 13:01

Manchester United’s South African icons Benni McCarthy and Quinton Fortune have come together to share a message of hope for young people living in hardship.

The duo were both born in 1977 and grew up in the ‘Cape Flats’ of Cape Town, where drugs, gangs and violence provided the backdrop to their upbringing. 

Gifted footballers, Benni and Quinny played against each at all ages groups until Fortune moved to England at 13 for an opportunity with Tottenham Hotspur. McCarthy was forced to endure the ‘gangster leagues’ of South Africa, before later getting his chance to play in Spain.

Their stories are remarkably intertwined and, 20 years ago, they were reunited as opponents in the Champions League as Porto beat United 2-1. Fortune scored the opener and McCarthy hit a brace, prompting great pride in their homeland.

As the duo explain in our feature-length interview, they are part of the “one per cent” who make it out of the Cape Flats alive. Whether you are facing challenges in South Africa, Manchester or anywhere in the world, Benni and Quinny have a clear message: anything is possible. 
Big Dreams, Limitless Belief Video

Big Dreams, Limitless Belief

NEW: Benni McCarthy & Quinton Fortune scored as Porto met United 20 years ago, crowning their escape from the Cape Flats…

“We shouldn't let where we come from define us,” states McCarthy. “Our circumstances should never define us. We are all on this earth and everyone has a purpose. You just have to find your purpose in life and to go for it. You should never let anyone tell you that you can't do it, that you are not capable. You are capable of doing whatever you want to. 

“It's just how much you belief in yourself, how much you really want it and how hard you are willing to work for it. Then, the sky's the limit. You can achieve what you want to, even if you come from nothing. That's what I believe because I am living proof of that, Quinny is living proof of that.

“We didn't have a chance, we were never given an opportunity to make it, but we never stopped believing. The area where I come from, I am that one per cent that made it, Quinny is that one per cent that made it. So don't ever let anyone tell you where you come from means you have no chance in life. 

“That is my advice that I can give to any human being on earth. No matter whether you come from the Cape Flats, from Brazil and the favelas, from India, from where life is tough, you must fight for what you believe in.”
A message to everyone facing hardship Video

A message to everyone facing hardship

Clip | If you're in Cape Town, Manchester or anywhere else, Benni and Quinny have a powerful message for you...

As Fortune explains, his family, faith and perseverance led him to a better life.

“I hope they take us as an example, that would mean everything to me because it shows, first of all, the amazing work from our parents. If it wasn't for our parents and my grandmother, I wouldn’t be here. 

“It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and sacrifice, but if I had to give any advice to those kids who are looking at us for examples, from myself and Benni, I know through my faith, I would say, whatever they want to do in life, put God first. 

'Nothing in Europe scares me at all!' Video

'Nothing in Europe scares me at all!'

Clip | This section from our interview explains the unfathomable challenges Benni and Quinny overcame in Cape Town…

“Have limitless belief in yourself, have limitless imagination and goals. I was a kid back home, thinking about England, I really don't know where it came from. My inspirations were my brothers, the local guys and when I came over here it was Pele. That got my imagination going. 

“I know it is not easy for us to say it, because people are living in that condition every day, but put God first, keep grinding, get your education, not everyone is going to be able to play football, listen to your mum and dad because they have the wisdom, and your grandparents, and just keep going. It is not easy, it is tough, but there is a way, it is possible. With God, everything is possible.”

'Big Dreams, Limitless Belief' is available to watch now.


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    From the Cape Flats to Carrington, Benni McCarthy and Quinton Fortune's story will chill the blood and warm the soul.