Academy players achieve successful exam grades

Thursday 31 August 2023 09:00

Over the past couple of weeks, students up and down the country have received their results for GCSEs, A-Levels, Btec Diplomas and more.

The same can be said for many of our Academy players, who performed remarkably well.

Of our second-year scholars, over 80 per cent of our young Reds received their target grade or above.

Eight players achieved the Btec Extended Diploma in Marketing (equivalent to 3 ‘A’ levels), with three Reds achieving a full distinction, while two others gained a Btec Extended Diploma in Sport.

In addition to this, 10 of our second-year scholars successfully completed the Sporting Excellence Professional (SEP), eight at Distinction level, while three of their peers completed the UEFA ‘C’ Coaching certificate.

GCSE's are another qualification that some of our younger Reds received results for recently, with nine of the players who are going onto our Scholarship achieving at least one grade of seven.

Six students accumulated a total of 18 grade eights.

Two Academy players were awarded with a grade nines each, the highest a student can achieve at GCSE level.

Several of this year's cohort will be progressing onto A-Level programmes, adding to the vocational options available to to scholars.

Following the success off the pitch for our young Reds, the Academy's Education Manager Ian Smithson said: "As an education team, we are delighted with the achievements of our players over the last year. A significant percentage of the final outcomes were outstanding.

"The results are a testament to the way that the players have dedicated themselves to their work both on and off the pitch and the excellent support that they have received from our staff."

This year's grades only highlight the impactful work the United Academy does to shape our players off the pitch as well as on it. Academia is a key pillar in the development of young people, and we are committed to ensuring all Academy players also receive support and guidance away from the white lines of a football pitch.

Congratulations on your success, Reds!
