Kohler's safe water for all campaign

Thursday 07 March 2024 10:05

Kohler is taking action to make safe water and sanitation a reality for those affected most by this global issue of inequity.

The 2024 launch marks the fourth year of the campaign to coincide with International Women's Day, as it highlights how these issues disproportionately affects women and girls.

Kohler, one of Manchester United's official partners, works with global humanitarian organisations to develop and fund solutions to meet the unique needs of communities around the world.

Kohler also has a long-standing internal innovation program, Innovation for Good, with the stated mission of developing scalable solutions for pressing global issues, such as the lack of access to safe water and sanitation.

Stars support safe Water for all Video

Stars support safe Water for all

United's players are backing Kohler's safe water for all campaign...

Since 2014, more than 2.2 million lives around the world have been impacted by Kohler’s safe water for all efforts.

Some of the statistics show why such work is urgently needed as, according to figures from 2022, 2.2 billion people still lacked safely managed drinking water.

Over 2 billion people live in water-stressed countries and 771 million lack access to safe water.

The knock-on effects are also alarming, with women and girls spending 200 million hours every day collecting water. Consequently, this precious time is not spent working, catering for family members or attending school.

In two out of three households in the affected areas, women are primarily responsible for water collection.

Such inequality impacts on girls remaining in school, with studies showing their income can increase by 15-25 per cent with every year staying in education.

For more information, please visit www.safewaterforall.com.
