White Ribbon Day

Football unites to support White Ribbon Day

Saturday 25 November 2023 16:00

This weekend Manchester United joins many clubs and organisations across the football community in supporting White Ribbon Day, a campaign to engage men and boys to end violence against women and girls.

The White Ribbon is the internationally recognised symbol of ending violence against women, which is why you will see Sky Sports presenters raising awareness for the campaign by wearing white ribbons on-screen today.

The charity behind the campaign, White Ribbon UK, states: “Our mission is to prevent men’s violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes — harmful and dominant masculine norms.”

'United Once, United Forever'


The launch of a new Academy Alumni project has drawn attention from across English football.

The charity works with organisations across the UK to raise awareness and change harmful cultures, as well as educating young people by partnering with schools, universities and colleges.

An all-party Parliamentary group has also ensured the issues are debated at government level, with discussions including creating safer public transport for women and building gender equality with young people.

This year’s White Ribbon Day aims to encourage individuals and organisations to make consistent choices and actions to #ChangeTheStory for women and girls, so that they may live their lives free from the fear of violence.

White Ribbon Day coincides with the United Nations’ International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women, kicking off 16 days of UN activism that concludes with International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

For further information, you can visit whiteribbon.org.uk, where you can also find out about online events being held over the next 16 days. And if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, please visit womensaid.org.uk for practical information and support.
