Share your memories of Munich and the Babes

Thursday 30 January 2025 15:00

Manchester United are seeking memories from supporters across the world who were alive around the time of the Munich Air Disaster.

On 6 February 1958, a charter plane crashed after refuelling in Munich. The accident claimed the lives of 23 people, including eight United players and three officials.

Each year, thousands of fans gather at Old Trafford and at the site of the crash in Munich to pay tribute to those who died and celebrate the enduring impact of their achievements.

United fans have always been central to these remembrance ceremonies and supporters’ memories will always be a core part of how we pay tribute to those we lost.

Around the 67th anniversary of the disaster, we’d like to invite fans who were alive in 1958 to give us their memories of the time.

This could be about watching the Busby Babes play at Old Trafford or elsewhere, meeting the players or learning about their achievements from overseas in the newspapers.

You could also write about where you were when you learned about the disaster, how you found out and the emotions on that painful day. Stories are also welcomed about witnessing United’s recovery, from a team torn apart by tragedy to European champions a decade later.

This is an open invitation for the personal memories of loyal fans whose stories will inspire future generations of supporters and act as a lasting tribute to the Babes, the club staff and the journalists who died at Munich.

If you have relatives with such memories, please let them know about this opportunity.

Fans can submit their memories in two ways. Those supporting the Reds from anywhere across the world can use this form, which has space in which to write and also provide your contact details.

Those in attendance at the Old Trafford memorial service on Thursday 6 February can also speak on camera with a member of our editorial team. A station will be set up after the service near the International Suite, where tea and coffee will be available for all.
